About us

1. Cardinal CERT - we are a company that offers audit services  that has been on the market since 1995 and also offers activities in the spectrum of agricultural management.
Beginning with the year 2005, we certificated the EUREPG.A.P. (now GLOBALG.A.P.) standards in Romania. We were the first company that promoted,  and audited the requirements of agricultural practice for the primary production amongst farms in the country. 
Dr. Iuliana Grigoriu (the director of the company) is the auditor that worked on the introduction, translation and correction of each standard version for Romania
Based on this experience, year after year, we developed, we grew, we invested and today in our portfolio we own over 90% of the area of crops certified by GLOBALG.A.P. in Romania for different applicable purposes:
    - Fruits & Vegetables;
    - Combined Crops;
    - Production of propagating material;
    - Flowers & Ornamental plants.
We set out to offer the best services for our partners, we worked continuously on the improvement of our activities, and the assessment of our clients’ satisfaction has been rated with excellent year after year. 
Understanding the problems and situations of the agricultural producers that wished to get the recognition of the GLOBALG.A.P. standards, we set out to offer services that meet their needs and wishes. We invested, trained and formed a team of inspectors/romanian auditors to offer these services at affordable prices for the market in Romania.
Due to requests, we are also present in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Central Asia.  
We work by private standards, national and international in accordance with our clients’ requests.
Our company works with inspectors/romanian auditors, which lowers the price of the certification, which means that the clients don’t have to pay for extra costs, such as plane tickets, translation, and so on.
In Romania Cardinal CERT is the exclusive representative of the certification body Eurocert (for GLOBALG.A.P.) from Greece (https://www.eurocert.gr/en.html). 
We are flexible, prompt and we know that in day-to-day business the ‘’situation had to be solved yesterday’’.
We are delighted to inform you that until today Cardinal Cert has business relations with over 530 satisfied customers.
We hope that you can trust our company in order for us to develop together. 
SC CARDINAL PRODCOM SRL is authorized to make GLOBALG.A.P. audits. The GLOBALG.A.P. Certificate is issued by Eurocert https://www.eurocert.gr/en.html
2. Mission
Our mission is to:
 -Develop and maintain certification services internally as well as internationally
-Maintain contact with each client 
-Develop a professional relationship with our clients by listening to the needs of each client 

Toate drepturile rezervate ® 2025 www.cardinalcert.ro - by solcreation